–    The Ariya Teens Program is to set a continuous platform for Teens to learn the Dhamma.

–    To incorporate Dhamma learnings & practice in their lives.

–  To be endowed with skills, and self-care to grow Up.

The Ariya Teens Program is an integral part of the Ariya Vihara’s community.  The primary goal of the program is to encourage teens and youth participation in Dhamma related events, whilst also providing a positive platform for building meaningful friendships and skillsets. Indeed the whole of our noble life is good friendship, companionship and comradeship.

Our committee consists of members above the age of 18 and the target audiences are members between the age of 12-18.  We aim to organise events, which are educational and stimulating.

We consistently meet up on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month, from 830 am-1.00pm.

The session is usually led by one of our committee members or a senior member of the Ariya Vihara group. The leader will introduce and then prompt our participants (i.e., Youths) to discuss the topic of the day (i.e., dhamma related topics). The aim of the leader is to provide facts and allow our participants to discuss and come to their own conclusion of a topic that is relevant to their life.  This is meant to be a stimulating yet fun discussion to enrich their purpose and their skills in life with the support of their Dhamma inspired friends.

In the future, we hope to deepen the friendships amongst participants by providing dynamic leisure activities, such as camps, hikes, performances, volunteering, and visits to Dhamma centers.

Part of the journey into maturity is how to make good use of precious Human Life and what could be more useful than knowing how to save a life. We started out in 2023 with just this kind of upskilling.

How to use the AED Automated External Defibrillator is used to help those having sudden cardiac arrest.The survival rate of the victims nearly doubles when AED is administered along with CPR. In addition, while CPR help maintains blood flow, AED ensures proper heart rhythm. Both are important and increase the odds that a person survives a heart attack.