Ariya Dhamma Investigation Group (D.I.G.)

Ariya D.I.G. is organised by Ariya Vihara Buddhist Society KL & Selangor under the spiritual guidance of Venerable Sumangala Bhikkhuni for Dhamma seekers, between ages 30 to 50 to come and investigate the Buddha’s Teachings. It is a platform for Dhamma seekers to develop a deeper understanding and sharing of the Buddha’s early teachings from the Sutta Nikayas and to be able to apply the Buddha Dhamma in daily life. Through this platform, we hope that future Dhamma leaders could be developed to expand and sustain the Buddhist community.

Ariya D.I.G. does not offer a series of lectures where participants sit and listen. Everyone is expected to participate in the lively discussion. The aim of our programme is not so much to attain an intellectual or academic comprehension of the texts, but rather to allow the teachings to permeate our hearts, to recognize the contemporary implications of ancient Buddhist wisdom, and to realize the liberating potential of the noble path.




Represent the Triple Gem of Early Buddhism

Your Life
Including your knowledge, skills, and wisdom



The programme allows Dhamma seekers to learn the fundamentals of the Buddha’s teachings through selected Suttas from the Pali Canon. The objective of conducting the programme is to enable Dhamma seekers to gain direct access to the authentic teachings of the Buddha.

Each module will take around 3 to 4 sessions depending on the topic of the module. Everyone will receive soft copies of the English translations of the selected suttas for their pre-class reading. These ancient texts offer us a rich source of insight into the development of wisdom, meditation, and how we live our lives.

Questions and answers and discussions of each lesson will further enhance our understanding and appreciation of the Suttas and topics. Through discussion and reflection, we approach these powerful teachings as the spark for awakening.

The programme will be held every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. A Dhamma speaker will be invited for each module to guide the Dhamma seeker throughout the session.