Theravada Samaneri Novitiate programme

Following the footstep of the Buddha and the Late Chief Ven. K Sri Dhammananda
First Theravada Samaneri Novitiate Program @ BMV 2003 by Late Chief K Sri Dhammananda
The 4th Theravada Samaneri Novitiate Programme was held fruitfully from 27th April – 8th May 2022 at Brahmavihara Monastery and Retreat Centre, Melaka. 🙏
It was co-organized by Ariya Vihara, Brahmavihara and Gotami Vihara. Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Mahathero was the preceptor teacher, Ven. Dr. Dhammapala Mahathero and Ven. Sumangala Bhikkhuni were the Dhamma teachers, and Ven. Pannadhammika Bhikkhu and Ven. Mettajivi Bhikkhuni, the assistant teachers. There were three samaneri novice nuns from Cambodia who took permanent going forth. The other thirty nine were temporary novice nuns. All of them were sincerely pursuing the path of inner peace.
On 7th May, the 42 Theravada samaneris and their teachers went for a 3km pindacara alms round at Jonkers Walk. It was a momentous and touching experience for all samaneris as there were many helpers and devotees who came to perform generosity, making more merits and support the Buddhasasana.
Indeed, we are grateful to the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni Sangha, all organising committees, all helpers, all donors and supporters for this meritorious programme.
May the Fourfold Sangha continue to grow for the wellbeing, happiness and benefit of the many. Sadhu.

The 4th Theravada Samaneri Novitiate Programme.

Hair snipping

Bhikkhuni Mettajivi (Cambodia) teaching participants how to wear the robe and sharing the dhamma reflections embedded in the design and the mindfulness that can be practiced in the wearing of the robe.

Community living

Sutta recitals

Group chanting

Fourfold sangha

Teachings by Ven Dhammapala Mahathero

Walking meditation

Wearing the Antaravāsaka- the Lower robe

Wearing the Cīvaram the Upper Robe